Monday, 17 August 2009

Markings In Your Bible

Hey guys! I started this thing at school, where we mark through our bibles. It's pretty cool, and if you haven't done it already, I'll tell you how to do it. Start out by reading through any chapter you like. Then, find all the keywords in that chapter that you feel are important. Then, symbolize the different words with colored pencils! For instance, if you mark GOD, you can make a purple triangle over it. Then while your reading through the chapter, mark all the words meaning GOD, ( Lord, Jesus, GOD, Savior )anything, and even the words like You, He, His referring to GOD. Then if you read that chapter maybe years later, you understand by the purple triangle that that means GOD. Make sense? You don't have to do a purple triangle! That's just an example. Make it how you want it, the way you'll respond to it the best. This is all just an idea. It not only makes it easier when you read them later, but it also makes your bible pages pretty when you flip them all LOL! Anyway, if you have any comments or suggestions, please comment this post. Thanks! :)

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Bible Quiz
1) How Many Books Are In The Bible?
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