Tuesday, 4 May 2010
On My Mind...
Ok...well ok this has been on my mind for a while...I think that in all our lives, we all hit parts in our lives where there are people we, well, can't STAND!!! I'm not going to be real specific on what people have been on my mind, but I'd like to say that I go through these off and on times where I think these people can be enjoyable people to be around, then other times I just can't stand them. I've been praying alot lately that God would give me the feeling of love for these people, regardless of what I think of them. Because whatever is going on in my mind about them doesn't even matter...because my sinful mind and nature doesn't compare to the opinion of our perfect God:) So I say, if anyone gets put in this situation, I say, just remember Who's opinion matters MOST:) And that as humans, we need to stop thinking about "Do I want to be friends with this person? Ohh...I hate THAT person!!! Do I like this person?!" Stuff like that...I say, we need to forgive and forget anything our neighbors have against us, and begin to think more that: "As God loves these people with everything He has, so should I, as a child of GOD:)"
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
(:~Prayer Requests~:)
Heyy what's up?! Anyone have any prayer requests? I have 1. My grandpa had been really really really sick in the hospital...he has a blood and heart problem. Please pray that he will get better! And comment on this post if you have any prayer requests. I promise I will pray them:) Anyway, don't be afraid to leave a request!Cya guys and God Bless!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Doubt in Salvation?
This is something my Bible teacher taught us today. Have any doubt in your salvation? I did. Our teacher asked a few of us to tell us our reasons for our doubt. I wasn't COMPLETLY doubtful in my salvation, but i wasnt sure about 1 thing. I said asked this question: "I gave my heart to Christ, but what if I didn' really mean it at the time?" Here's the answer he gave me. He said that it's not about what we're feeling, but we obviously aknowledged the fact that Jesus died in the cross. That he is our Savior. Sometimes if your going through the same sinareo as I did, we have to know our salvation isn't determined by what we meant or felt at the time. It's the fact that we LOVE Jesus and that we know what He did for us. Make sense? Does anyone have any other doubts? Write in the Anonymous box! It is completly safe and I would be glad to do the best I can to answer. Thanks!
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Something I Just Thought About A Few Second Ago
Hello! I am going to tell you all about something I just thought about a few second ago. So about a month ago, I turned on the TV while I was getting ready in the morning, and there was this reality show, (I can't remember what it's called) and this girl who was about 14 years old, had gotten really upset with her dad, and killed him! Not positive, but I'm pretty sure his last words were, "I love you" to the teen. I'm not exactly sure HOW she killed him, but anyway, that's not the point. Anyway, today my dad and I were talking about the earthquakes in Haiti. And for some wierd reason, I remembered istantly this story I watched on TV. Now let's compare to what Jesus did for us. The people became furious because Jesus was God, you know, and they killed him. We know He loved us more than anything in the world. See? To me, it was so sad to hear about this story, and now, we have something to compare to when Jesus died. See?
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
New Years

Heyy! I know this is sorta late, but anyone got any New Years Resolutions? Mine is to be a happy, healthy girl and to be a strong Christian girl:) Yeah. . .not any really GOOD New Years resolutions but. . .lol! Anyway, if you have any, please comment here (that is,if you're comfortable in doing so) =]
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