Tuesday 4 May 2010

On My Mind...

Ok...well ok this has been on my mind for a while...I think that in all our lives, we all hit parts in our lives where there are people we, well, can't STAND!!! I'm not going to be real specific on what people have been on my mind, but I'd like to say that I go through these off and on times where I think these people can be enjoyable people to be around, then other times I just can't stand them. I've been praying alot lately that God would give me the feeling of love for these people, regardless of what I think of them. Because whatever is going on in my mind about them doesn't even matter...because my sinful mind and nature doesn't compare to the opinion of our perfect God:) So I say, if anyone gets put in this situation, I say, just remember Who's opinion matters MOST:) And that as humans, we need to stop thinking about "Do I want to be friends with this person? Ohh...I hate THAT person!!! Do I like this person?!" Stuff like that...I say, we need to forgive and forget anything our neighbors have against us, and begin to think more that: "As God loves these people with everything He has, so should I, as a child of GOD:)"

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Bible Quiz
1) How Many Books Are In The Bible?