Tuesday 2 February 2010

Doubt in Salvation?

This is something my Bible teacher taught us today. Have any doubt in your salvation? I did. Our teacher asked a few of us to tell us our reasons for our doubt. I wasn't COMPLETLY doubtful in my salvation, but i wasnt sure about 1 thing. I said asked this question: "I gave my heart to Christ, but what if I didn' really mean it at the time?" Here's the answer he gave me. He said that it's not about what we're feeling, but we obviously aknowledged the fact that Jesus died in the cross. That he is our Savior. Sometimes if your going through the same sinareo as I did, we have to know our salvation isn't determined by what we meant or felt at the time. It's the fact that we LOVE Jesus and that we know what He did for us. Make sense? Does anyone have any other doubts? Write in the Anonymous box! It is completly safe and I would be glad to do the best I can to answer. Thanks!

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